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How do you give good feedback?


How do you give good feedback?

Giving positive feedback

  • Focus on the behavior, not the person. One strategy is to open up by stating the behavior in question, then expressing your feelings about it, and concluding with what you want. …
  • Balance the content. …
  • Be specific. …
  • Be honest. …
  • His comments. …
  • Be relevant. …
  • Provide ongoing support.

Whats does feedback mean?

Whats does feedback mean?

1a: the provision of research information or corrections about an action, event, or process to the original source or also ordered: the information provided. b: the retrieval of parts (see figure 3a) of the effects of a process at its source or a previous state.

What is mean by feedback answer?

When you give feedback, it means you are offering a helpful response to someone’s work or idea. … Feedback is almost always offered or requested with the intent to improve the final product. Another characteristic of feedback loops is a type of interfering sound from a amplifier or a microphone.

What is good feedback?

What is good feedback?

Good Information that is Specific, Relevant, Important, and Honest. With the right intention, we need to think about when and why to provide useful information. For psychologist Victor Lipman, this means your information should be: Specific: “Information that must have a commercial purpose,” o Lipman said.