Solar Installers 92111

Solar Installers 92111

How do you describe feedback?


How do you describe feedback?

The term “opinion” is used to describe helpful information or criticism about an individual’s previous action or behavior, communicating to another person (or group) to adapt and improve current and future actions and behaviors that may use that information.

What is feedback example?

What is feedback example?

Feedback is defined as the return of information about a result or a translated part of a process. … An example of feedback is the loud sound that comes back from a loudspeaker when the microphone gets too close to it.

What is mean by feedback answer?

What is mean by feedback answer?

When you give feedback, it means that you are providing a helpful response to someone’s work or idea. … Feedback is almost always offered or requested in order to improve the final product. Another meaning of feedback is the sound distortion of an amplifier or microphone.

Whats does feedback mean?

Whats does feedback mean?

1a: the transmission of evaluative or corrective information about an action, event or process to the original or the controller, as well as: information transmitted in this way. b: partial return to the source of the effects of a process or to a previous phase (see 3a sense of return).