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Solar Installers 92071

What is feedback example?


What is feedback example?

Comments are defined as a return of information about a result or the returned part of a process. … An example of a comment is a loud noise that is returned from a speaker when a microphone is too close to it.

What feedback do you mean?

What feedback do you mean?

Feedback is an event that occurs when a system’s output is used as a return input to the system as part of a chain of causes and effects. … In the case of a system that requires knowledge of production in order to improve or obtain a specific production, feedback is essential and good.

What are the 3 types of feedback?

What are the 3 types of feedback?

The three forms of feedback: CTO Craft appreciation, training, and evaluation.

What is the synonym of feedback?

What is the synonym of feedback?

answer evaluation
evaluation comments
comments critic
critic information
observation punter