92091 Solar Installers

92091 Solar Installers

What is feedback example?

What is feedback example?

Response is defined as the return of information about a result or a restored part of a process. … An example of a response is high-pitched noise returned from the speaker when a microphone is approached.

What is mean by feedback answer?

What is mean by feedback answer?

When you give an answer, it means that you are giving a helpful answer on the job or on someone else’s advice. … Feedback is always provided or requested with the aim of improving the final product. Another form of feedback is the type of noise interference from an amplifier or microphone.

What is your feedback means?

What is your feedback means?

If you get feedback on your work or progress, someone will tell you how good or bad you are doing, and how you can improve. If you get a good answer you worked or did well.

How do you give good feedback?

How do you give good feedback?

Tips for giving a good answer

  • Be specific. If your positive feedback is not clear, they will not know which of their skills is best and which one they want to improve. …
  • Give it on time. …
  • Let others see it. …
  • Praise everyone at the end. …
  • Explain their behavior. …
  • Give appropriate commendation.