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Is it feedback or feed back?

Is it feedback or feed back?

‘feedback’ is a name. There is feedback from that microphone and speech setting. ‘feed back’ is a phrasal verb. The sound from the speaker goes back to the microphone, causing a very loud noise.

What is the synonym of the word feedback?

response, feedback, comment, report. measure, evaluate, critique, critique, opinion, think, comment, review, interpret, study, analyze, evaluate, judge, evaluate.

What is feedback example?

What is feedback example?

Feedback is defined as the retrieval of information about the outcome or recurrence of the process. … An example of a reaction is a very loud noise coming from the speaker when the microphone is too close.

How do you use the word feedback?

How do you use the word feedback?

“He gave me a lot of useful feedback.” “So far I have not received anything other than positive feedback.” “It always provides honest feedback.” “He received a really important and important response to his proposal.”