92081 Solar Installers

Is it feedback or feed back?


‘response’ is a noun. There was a response that came from the misuse of the microphone and the speaker. ‘feed back’ is a verb (phrase). The sound from the speakers poured back into the microphone, causing a screaming sound.

What is feedback example?

What is feedback example?

Feedback is defined as the return of information about a result or part of the return of a process. … An example of feedback is a high -pitched sound that is returned from a speaker when the microphone is too close.

What is the synonym of the word feedback?

responses, reactions, comments, reports. estimation, assessment, critique, critique, view, opinion, comment, observation, interpretation, study, analysis, evaluation, assessment, rating.

How do you use the word feedback?

How do you use the word feedback?

“He gave a lot of feedback that helped.” “So far we have not received anything except positive feedback.” “He always provides honest feedback.” “He received critical feedback on his proposal.”